K2 Explorer fleet set sail for adventure!
Farnham Explorer Scouts have been in action again on the Solent and English Channel, developing skills on board five leisure yachts chartered for the weekend.
The teenagers stepped into the world of the Sea Scouts for a couple of days to complete their Royal Yachting Association “Start Yachting” qualification, having deferred the weekend during the Summer lock down. Many had already undertaken their sea survival, VHF radio and essential navigation & seamanship training in order to get afloat, whilst for others on board, it was a their first time under sail.
As any sea farer will say, “reading the wind” is critical, and in doing so, the unit enjoyed a fine time on the ocean wave; learning to efficiently tack, measuring and plotting compass bearings, polishing knot skills, developing helmsmanship and sail trimming techniques, as well as learning about the safe operation of the boat. Above all – teamwork was at the heart of everything on board.
Delivered in a socially distanced manner, in part due to the spacious vessels chartered, the teams enjoyed good tides and moderate wind, which made the autumnal cruise a real winner for all involved.
Such was the enjoyment of this outing, another event is already being mooted so the young mariners can attain their competent crew certification.