3rd Molesey Matravers Scout Group offer a helping hand
As we know in scouting it’s often about helping other people and doing our best. It’s these values that we wanted to put into action doing something community and world based here at 3rd Molesey Matravers Scout Group. With all the news coverage and hearing what adults and children in Ukraine were going through, we wanted, as a group, to make a difference in some form and decided to make a collection of items that were required. We found out that St John the Evangelist church in Merrow Guildford were collecting with a weekly list of what is required on their web site.
The next step was to begin collecting so we put a message out to all sections of our Group and the response was amazing! We collected sleeping bags, lots of tinned food, dry foods including a large amount of pasta, cosmetics, medicines and first aid items to name just a few: this amounted to a good van full. It was all sorted into containers by the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and loaded ready for delivery. Everybody in the group has been very enthusiastic for this humanitarian cause and the Church were astounded and thankful on the quantity of what had been donated.