World Scout Jamboree
What is a Jamboree?
A World Scout Jamboree is a world Scouting event for young people aged between 14 and 18 and is a gathering of Scouts and Guides from all over the world for an exciting programme of global development, peace, cultural understanding, adventure, fun and friendship.
It takes place every four years in a different country. The first World Scout Jamboree took place in England in 1920 and since then 24 such events have been held.
When is the next Jamboree?
The 25th World Scout Jamboree will be held in Saemanguem, South Korea. The Korea Scout Association was founded in the year 1922 and is now the largest youth organization in South Korea. South Korea also hosted the 17th Jamboree in 1991.
The theme of the 25th World Scout Jamboree is “Draw Your Dream.” After the Jamboree is complete, a permanent Scout Centre will be created on the site.
There is general WSJ 2023 information on the UK Scout website HERE
A Jamboree unit consists of 4 unit leaders and 36 young people and the camp activities are run by an International Service Team (IST). The Jamboree IST is formed of adult volunteers from across the world, who are all there for one reason – to make the Jamboree a success! They fill vital roles in motivating and supporting young people, and providing services, programme and facilities.
To read more about Surrey Unit Leader selection, Surrey participant selection and IST selection please go to the relevant sub-sections.
To register for a Scouts/Explorers WSJ info meeting, please click HERE
Download the Surrey WSJ poster HERE
Surrey Units at the 2023 Jamboree
Two Units from Surrey will attend the 2023 WSJ in Korea.
You can read more about their adventure on Facebook and Instagram:
surrey unit 71 – 25 wsj korea
surrey unit 72 – 25 wsj korea
We have preserved the webpages relating to the 2019 Jamboree for your interest; however, please note that the precise details may be different to the 2023 Jamboree in Korea
Where was the 2019 Jamboree?
The 24th World Scout Jamboree took place at the Summit Bechtel Reserve, a 10,000 acre campsite, in West Virginia from 22 July – 2 August 2019.
The event was hosted by the Boy Scouts of America, Scouts Canada and Scouts of Mexico and was the largest event delivered by Scouting worldwide with 45,000 young people and adult volunteers attending from over 150 countries.
Further information about the Jamboree can be found at
Surrey Units at the 2019 Jamboree
100 Units of 36 Scouts and 4 Leaders attended the Jamboree from the UK with three of them from Surrey: Units 64, 65 and 66 otherwise known as Surrey Sequoia, Surrey Gryffins and Surrey Stingrays.
You can read more about their adventure on Facebook here:
Surrey Sequoia:
Surrey Gryffins:
Surrey Stingrays:
In total Surrey was represented by 108 young people, 12 unit leaders, 31 International Service Team, 1 Contingent Support Team, 1 Contingent Management Team and 1 Contingent Leader!
With over a year to go until the Jamboree the specific details are not yet available and will be confirmed to the units nearer the time. Below we have provided answers to questions you may have, and we have provided as much information as we can at this point. If there are any questions that you cannot find answers to on this form, please e-mail The World Scout Jamboree will be held from 1st to 12th August in 2023 in Saemangeum, Jeollabuk-do Province In South Korea, with some time either side for travel and UK contingent events. The World Scout Jamboree is a bit like the Olympics’ – it is held every four years at different locations around the world. Scouts from every Scouting nation (about 226 countries and territories) attend for an event to share fun, adventure, world issues and friendship. Approximately 30,000 Scouts are expected at the next event to be held in South Korea. The Jamboree lasts for 12 days, and on top of this is sightseeing and othr activities to form a trip approximately 3 week expedition. The World Scout Jamboree is one of many exciting international events for Scouts. To apply to be a participant you must be born between 00:00 on 22nd July 2005 and 23:59 on 31st July 2009. If you were born after these dates, you will be eligible for the 26th WSJ in 2027. If you were born before these dates then you should look at other international activities, such as Roverway, or the International Service Team for the Jamboree. “Draw your Dream!” expresses the desire of the members of the Scout Movement to transform the World Scout Jamboree into their own festival and to grow their dreams through it. Saemangeum, will be shaped into a spacious recreational ground (10 k㎡), where young scouts from around the world will pursue their dreams throughout the World Scout Jamboree. The Jamboree is not just a huge gathering of Scouts and Guides from all around the World, it is more than that. Scouts from around the world living, working and having fun together. When a member of the United Nations visited the Jamboree in Japan, he described it as “the way the World should be”. It is truly a special place where Scouts can share their cultural and national backgrounds and words cannot do it justice. A Jamboree is the size of a small town, once everyone arrives there will be tents as far as the eye can see! It can often take as long as one hour to walk from one side of the site to another, particularly if you keep stopping to say hello to Scouts from all over the world! Your unit will be allocated a small area to camp in, this is where you will sleep, cook and relax for the 12 days. You will normally go to activities as a whole Unit, or sometimes in your Patrol of 9 Scouts and 1 Leader. There are a huge variety of amazing activities in a typical Jamboree programme, too many to list here! In the evening, after the duty Patrol has cooked dinner (maybe with some visiting Scouts from another country), there is still lots to do on site. You might choose to go badge swapping, trying to find the rarest badges out there. Or, you might join in some of the evening entertainment, watching a traditional performance from another country or even getting up on stage yourself! It wouldn’t be a Jamboree without the Opening and Closing Ceremonies! It is quite incredible to have Scouts from all over the world sat together in one field. The atmosphere is electric and it is likely to be a very special part of your Jamboree experience. The UK Contingent typically organises a 2-3 day experience for UK Scouts just before or after the Jamboree. We don’t have any details yet for this for 2023, but as an example, the UK Contingent to the Japan 2015 Jamboree spent 3 days exploring the sights of Tokyo and in USA 2019, units went to New York and Washington DC. There is a long history of Scouts enjoying HoHo (Home or Hosted Hospitality) before or after a Jamboree. Ho Ho has changed in recent years and the Contingent Team will be working on ways for you to connect to local Koreans as part of your pre/post event experience. Each Jamboree unit will leave the UK and return to the UK as a whole unit. It is not be possible to join late or leave early. The ethos of the Jamboree is that it should be open and accessible to everyone of the correct age. As a result, every effort will be made in to accommodate young people who are differently abled wherever and whenever reasonable adjustments are possible. This may be simple physical or environmental changes through to more complex adjustments, including allowing a carer / helper to attend. Whilst these can cover a wide range of requirements, obviously this is a very complex area. We would suggest that if you have any particular questions relating to personal adjustments then please contact us on Fundamentally, all participants in the Jamboree, young person or leader, must be aware that it is a 3 week expedition, mainly camping overseas, with a wide range of activities. It is loads of fun, but it will also be very tiring at times and can have an element of stress relating to logistics, cultural differences and time zones. A lot dietary requirements can reasonably easily be catered for, as long as you are prepared to be as flexible as possible. Dietary requirements based on religion, and for example Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free are routine. The WSJ itself will be set up for these. However all participants need to be aware that access to particular foods whilst travelling can be more challenging so a degree of flexibility is appreciated. Other dietary requirements will need more work to be achieved. If you have any concerns, then please contact us on Essentially, ALL. The event is aimed at everywhere in the world that has Scouting, and this includes all faiths and cultures. At the Jamboree, you could be queuing for an activity and talk to somebody from virtually anywhere in the world. A lot of the activities are aimed at interaction with others. At the WSJ, there will be chances to learn and join in with other faiths and beliefs. With the ethos of the Jamboree being open to all, the Surrey WSJ will be open to applicants from all faiths, no faith and cultures. The UK contingent is the name for all of the participants, leaders and the International Service Team who will attend the event from the UK. The entire contingent will contain about 4,500 people! A Jamboree unit is made up of 40 people; this is 4 leaders and 36 participants organised into 4 patrols. The UK contingent will include approx. 90 units. You will be allocated to one of 2 Jamboree Units from Surrey. Each Unit consists of 36 Scouts and 4 Leaders from Surrey. Each District is allocated a certain number of places, this varies depending on how many eligible Scouts/Explorers are in each District. We normally try to make sure at least one other person from your District is in the same Unit as you. Yes, you must be a member of a Surrey Scout Troop or Surrey Explorer Unit or a Surrey Young Leader to apply. If you Scout elsewhere, you will need to apply through that County. Providing you join Scouting at your new location and are prepared to travel back to Surrey for all training events etc., then you should be able to continue in the Surrey Jamboree Unit. It is not normally possible to move Jamboree unit to a more local one. The Jamboree fee is made up of two separate amounts. The total fee cost in Surrey is £3,695. There may be a few other items such as The young people in each unit also often wish to have some unit kit, maybe extra hoodies, badges, or any additional items that the unit would like but are not in the budget. The money for these extras will be funded through unit fundraising events/activities that all members of the unit are expected to attend. Absolutely, most Scouts fundraise to help raise pay their Jamboree fee, fundraising is considered an important part of the Jamboree journey. In the past participants have fundraised their entire Jamboree fee. Essentially, if you work hard at your fundraising, you are more likely to raise more money. If you sit back and let others do it, you are less likely to raise the money. Fundraising can be done individually, in small groups, as part of an Explorer Unit / District, or with others going on WSJ. The main role of the Jamboree leaders is to form the Jamboree Unit and help the unit bond and prepare for the expedition. They will help with fundraising ideas, and will encourage the unit to talk and chat about what is working and what is not working for the members of the unit. The leaders may also be offered fund raising activities that they then share out to the unit, and of course, the leaders also need to raise their own funds as well. However, the leaders are NOT responsible to fund raise for you, or to organise any fundraising. Ultimately, this is down to you. No. We have to stage payments to meet the commitment to pay Scout HQ between now and the WSJ. Once we know the HQ payment schedule, we will set the schedule and publish it. All participants will need to keep to this schedule. If you are offered a place on the WSJ after the selection process, you will need to confirm your acceptance with a non-refundable deposit. The deposit will be for £250, and payable within 2 weeks of the place offer. If you are struggling to organise the deposit, please talk to us. Yes, there are a range of funds and grants that can be applied for. Some of the above are open to all, some can have restrictions (such as location, purpose, financial situation) etc. Refunds of money paid will only be given if we can refill your place on the Jamboree, less the non-refundable deposit, less the cost for training / equipment received or ordered, less the cost of changing names charged by HQ, and any discount needed to be given to fill the place (potentially at short notice). If money has been fundraised, then under charity commission rules, we may need to return this money to the original source of the funds. If this is not possible (for example it was a bag pack), then it may need to be kept and used for a suitable comparable alternative purpose. Monies will be refunded in the following order (after costs) You may still need to pay money in to go towards refunding grants / cover costs. We will always try very hard to re-fill the place. However, this may be very difficult – especially at short notice. Depending on the reason for withdrawal, there may be insurance cover (for instance, a broken bone or a major illness / death in immediate family). However, we reserve the right to insist on payment in full, even if you do not attend. All payments will all be made to your District. No funds are to be paid to any Jamboree leader. Unfortunately, the Jamboree does not qualify for gift aid, therefore, no gift aid can be claimed / reclaimed for Jamboree payments / fundraising. Yes, the units will be made up entirely from Scouts and Explorers from across the County. You may not know any/many people at the start of the journey. However, in the build-up to the Jamboree you will have a number of training events to get to know your unit. Many Scouts tell us that by the time they go to a Jamboree their unit has become like a second family. The unit leaders have successfully completed a selection event, an interview and submitted references. One unit leadership team on this occasion was originally selected to take young people to EuroJam and were we really pleased that they accepted positions leading one of our WSJ unit when EJ was cancelled. This is not a precedent and depends upon many factors. All the unit leaders are leaders from across Surrey, who in addition to their usual Scouting role have successfully applied to become one of Surrey’s Jamboree Unit Leaders. They will be with you every step of the way, from organising the preparation camps to the Jamboree itself. Surrey units usually have around 6 to 10 weekend meet ups (alongside additional day meetings and fundraising events), but this will depend on the unit, and we will be looking for you to attend all of these so that you can bond with the others in the unit. If you have other weekend commitments, such as a sports team, you need to discuss with your coach/instructor the time away that you will need, before you accept a Surrey jamboree place. It will be down to the Unit Leadership team to decide on the locations. Most will be within Surrey and spread out to try and make journey times fair over time. No, it will be down to yourself to travel to / from the training weekends, but (subject to Covid restrictions), sharing of transport is encouraged. We have reviewed our participant selection process and we have decided to select participants via a district based random ballot. A lot of thought and feedback has gone into this new process, we think you will agree this will be fairer for every qualifying Scout in Surrey. To fully understand this process and the reasons behind the change please click HERE If you want detail about how the ballots will work please click HERE There will be information meetings in January 2022. Go to the youth participants sub section to find the link to register for the January meetings. You should attend one of these meetings to ensure you fully understand what it is to join a unit and attend WSJ. The link to the WSJ Surrey application form will be shared at these meetings. The application form is to help you decide whether a Jamboree is for you (there are lots of other adventures). You can get help with your form, but you should do your best to think about your answers carefully, but it won’t matter if your spelling and grammar are not the best! We aim to do this as quickly as possible after the selection process, but it may be several weeks. No! All applications go direct from the person applying, to the County WSJ Team. All applicants will be entered into the District ballots As a member of your Group / District within the Surrey unit, you will be expected to attend certain events to represent the Jamboree, particularly, after the Jamboree. An important part of your role will be to spread the message about International Scouting, by getting out and talking about your experience to younger Scouts across the District. Whilst it is not compulsory, you will get the most out of the unit team building by joining in on Social Media. The unit will normally decide on one social media platform to use (can be a Facebook group, WhatsApp group etc.). Normally, there will be one social media channel which is supervised / monitored by the leader team. Participants then usually setup their own independent channels which are not monitored. Official Communication will be via E-mail and/or the one monitored Channel. OSM stands for Online Scout Manager. It is a web based system that enables Scout leaders to communicate easily with all leaders and participants / parents, of the Jamboree units. It allows you to update your own information (such as contact addresses, telephone numbers, medical information, doctors contact details etc.). Surrey units will be using this to manage its information, and we will be able to issue information on training weekends and fundraising events via OSM, and you will be able to confirm attendance. It will save a massive amount of paperwork flowing in both directions, which reduces costs. We are expecting a high number of applications, far more than we can accept onto the WSJ. At the WSJ Information evenings we will share alternative International opportunities and if you give us permission we will contact you about other opportunities as they arise Yes, everyone who applied will be on the reserve list, in the order that results from the ballot. If a place becomes available the Surrey International Team will offer the place in accordance with the outcome of the ballot. No. Once we have received all of the acceptances of places against the offers, the Surrey International Team and unit leaders will place everybody into the units. This will be dependent on a variety of factors, in order to achieve factors such as a good age distribution, sex distribution etc. Whilst you may know some others in the unit in which you are placed, it’s a fantastic chance to make new friends! We are not able to predict the future and Covid may become an issue again. We will have to wait to see what Insurance can be put into place, but we think it would be fair to say it is unlikely that insurance for a Covid cancellation would be possible. If Covid were to become an issue, and withdrawal / cancellation occurs, then you will need to expect that it may not be possible to refund some or all of your monies paid due to factors outside of the direct control of Surrey County Scouts / uninsurable situations. Quite possibly yes. You will need to have any vaccinations which are compulsory for the countries you are visiting, or mandated by the Jamboree organisers. you will be informed what these vaccinations are by your unit leaders South Korea is a modern, advanced nation, and has recently held a successful Winter Olympics. There is a low ongoing risk of conflict between North and South Korea, since the two countries are still technically at war, but the current armistice has been stable for the past 60 years. All places in the Surrey WSJ units are granted by permission of the Surrey County Commissioner. At any time, and for any reason, an individual’s place may be withdrawn by the County Commissioner. The financial consequences of this, will follow the What happens if I need to withdraw after paying the deposit. There are lots of people who will be able to help you: After those, if you still have a question you haven’t been able to answer, please contact us (County International Team) at:
The leaders for Surrey’s units have now been selected I started my Scouting in Wonersh as a cub back before Beavers were created. Since then, I’ve been an Assistant Scout Leader, Cub Leader, District Scout Leader and DESC, all within Guildford East district. I began my new role as ACC Network during lockdown so I’m still new to the County team but I’m excited to be back face to face. That has to be when we took the Scout Troop to Denmark with a troop from Frimley Green. We were allowed to cut down trees to make pioneering poles and built the biggest flag pole I’ve ever seen. We also had the use of a lifeboat from a huge ocean liner to ferry us to and from the local village and got to visit Legoland and a factory where they made inflatable life rafts. I guess that would be experience, I’ve been a leader with Cubs, Scouts and Explorers and have travelled all over Europe with Scouts so I hope there won’t be too many challenges I haven’t met before. I also had the delightful job of being Unit Leader for the Surrey European Jamboree unit, we didn’t get to go to the Jamboree thanks to lockdown, but we created a team out of 40 strangers and that made me extremely proud. Probably an extra thick thermarest, oh and a bag of liquorice allsorts Being able to light a fire by rubbing two sticks together People’s faces when I start dancing and pirate jokes. A trip to Halliburton Scout Reserve in Canada when I was in the Unit. The site is situated on a lake, and the only way to travel between activities is by canoe. After a week on the site we then went to Toronto and on to Niagara Falls. The whole expedition was such an amazing experience and it helped forge some really strong and long lasting friendships. My hope is that I can help Unit 71 to make fantastic memories and friendships from their Jamboree journey I’ve been an Explorer Scout Leader at 2nd Cuddington (Rowe) in Epsom and Ewell for over 10 years and in that time I have gained valuable experience working together with young people, and encouraging them to get involved with the running of their Unit. I also have taken groups of young people on international expeditions, to Scout Centrum Rotterdam, KISC and also back to Canada. All of these involved different logistical challenges, the experience of which will come in useful for the 25th WSJ. My Samsung Galaxy watch that counts my steps! I’ve heard from previous leaders that you can easily smash your step target every day as the Jamboree sites are so vast. I can’t wait to try it out. I brushed up on my map reading and navigation skills during lockdown. Dad jokes! I joined 1st West Sutton Rainbow Guides at 5 years old and continued through to 5th Sutton Brownies and 5th Sutton Guides. These units are all part of Trinity Scout and Guide Group. At 11 I took my first leadership role in Girl Guiding, as I became a Pack Leader with 5th Sutton Brownies. At 14 I joined Sutton Division Rangers and became a Young Leader with Brownies and joined Scouting for the first time as a Young Leader at Beavers. At 16 I moved to Copthorne, where I joined 1st Copthorne Rangers and as a Young Leader at 1st Copthorne Beavers. I have continued to have links with 5th Sutton Brownies, as over the years I have continued to return to assist on Pack Holidays and special occasions. Currently, I volunteer as a Guide Leader for 2nd Copthorne Guides. In 2011 I began volunteering within Surrey Scouting, when I joined 1st Burstow Scout Group, when it reopened, as the Beaver Leader. Since then, I have become Group Scout Leader. In the Queen’s 2015 Birthday Honours I was awarded the British Empire Medal for services to Scouting and Guiding in Surrey and West Sussex. In 2020 I was due to attend the European Jamboree in Poland as a leader. Unforuntaely thie event was cancelled. I am excited therefore for the WSJ25 where I am an Assistant Unit Leader for Unit 71. There are so many to choose from. Investing one of my closest friends as Beaver Leader is probably one of my favourite events in Scouting. As she had missed out on being a Scout or Guide when she was younger. However, although not strictly Scouting, my best Scouting/Guiding moment has to be celebrating my 15th Birthday in the Ukraine, with a sponge cake with meringue pieces and prunes in. I loved spending time making friends and learning about the Ukrainian history and culture. I really appreciated been able to be part of the journey of Guiding in the Ukraine in its infancy after its restart after the Cold War. I have so many fond memories of this experience. I am the voice of reason. I am responsible for the finances of the unit again. While we try to make dreams come true, I am the one who will be trying to ensure we have a dose of reality. A Soft Toy. It has always been on my kit list as a Child and an Adult. A cuddly toy has been on every big journey I have ever made including PAGGS in Denmark and England, Ukraine, Our Cabana, the Isle of Wight and many other Guiding and Scouting journeys. Sewing is the skill I keep quiet about. 1st Burstow Scout Group, my Scout Group, has the Burstow Sewing Fairy who sews on badges to uniforms and camp blankets for a small fee. Let’s still keep it quiet the Burstow Sewing Fairy is me! Really silly things make me laugh. Often the jokes which really are not funny. On camp the less sleep, I have the more I tend to laugh. I grew up with Scouting, having attended Beavers through Explorers at my local Group which was 1st Merrow in Guildford. The strength and quality of my leaders at 1st Merrow is ultimately what inspired me to become a leader in my adult life, along with the desire to really give something back for today’s generation of young people. I am now the Cub Scout Leader for St Peter & St Paul in Godalming, having joined the section as a Section Assistant 5 years ago. I was incredibly fortunate to receive a place at the 21st World Scout Jamboree in Essex, 2007. This once in a life-time experience is something I regularly look back on fondly, so much so that it’s still on my CV as one of my life’s achievements! For the 25th WSJ to South Korea, I will be the Unit Leader for Surrey Unit 72, which is both a huge privilege as well as a massive responsibility! The chance to offer such a unique and potentially life-changing experience to the young people of Surrey is very exciting, and I am looking forward to seeing how the journey is shaped by our future unit members! In my spare time, I love to run, go on walks, and fill the house with as much Lego as humanly possible! Putting WSJ to one side for a moment, it would have to be as an Explorer on a camp in the Lake District, in the dark, digging trenches around our Scouts’ patrol tents to channel floods of waters away from them and down a slope! Has always stuck with me and is a fun story to tell. I would consider myself a good planner, I like to know what I am doing in advance so that I can make it the best experience for our young people. On the flipside, when I need to, I can pull something out of the hat last minute! Can I pick my cat, Fish? I’m not sure she would like to come camping, but I’d certainly love having her with us! Hmm, hopefully this would be considered Scouty; I am half-decent at air rifle shooting, having competed for a Club when I was a teenager. I’m very excited to put my existing knowledge to good use as I have recently become YPS certified, so look forward to running air rifle events for our local Group! I’m a big fan of the Simpsons, so anything goofy or satire really gets me! Before joining the Scout movement I was actually in Rainbows and Brownies, but I accompanied my dad, a Scout leader, to a Cubs meeting one evening and never looked back! I started scouting with 1st Ruxley before moving to 2nd Cuddington (both in Epsom and Ewell) during Explorers. This is where I have stayed as an adult leader – I wanted to give something back for the experiences I had had as a young person. I also saw how much fun the leaders had on camp and I wanted to join in! Like Charlie, I was fortunate enough to attend the 2011 World Scout Jamboree in Sweden as a young person. The experience was one I will never forget, and was the reason why I applied to be a leader for Korea. I am the Deputy Unit Leader for Surrey Unit 72, and am so excited to begin the Jamboree journey with our young people in the new year. Over the next year and a bit I am sure there will be many challenges to overcome, but I’m so looking forward to building our unit, prepping for 3 weeks away from home, and ultimately going to the Jamboree with 3,000 other scouts from the UK! Outside of scouting, I do research for the government. I also play the clarinet, and love finding the best walking places in Surrey! I think it has to be the closing ceremony for the 2011 WSJ. Not only did Europe headline (best known for ‘The Final Countdown’), but we had the King of Sweden doing a skit on stage as well! Even though it was pouring with rain the atmosphere was just electric and it’s a night I’ll never forget. Above all, I’d like to think that I’m quite a dynamic leader and able to communicate with young people on their level. I’m also a big advocate for inclusion and diversity, and take pride in making sure that everyone feels included. This would never fit in a suitcase, but a hot shower! Jamboree shower blocks are notorious for all the wrong reasons… I can run a good campfire, but am actually quite shy when it comes to performing! I enjoy it once I get going though! I love a good typo – the other day I received a leaflet for an ‘irate cruise’ (it was meant to say pirate), I couldn’t stop laughing for ages! My Grandad was a proud Scouter, and even though I was quite young at the time I still have the vivid memory of watching him be presented with his Silver Wolf. He passed his enthusiasm on to my Dad, who passed it on to me and my brother, and we’re now assistant leaders together in the same section. I attended Beavers through to Explorers at 1st Frimley, which gave me so many incredible memories and what I hope are life-long friends. I’ve helped at all of the sections at one point or another, but it didn’t take long to realise my favourite was Scouts, which is where I’ve been now for 8 years. Earlier this year I joined the fantastic team at 4th Frimley, and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know such an interesting and charismatic troop of young people, and getting stuck in to new challenges. I’m also the District Youth Commissioner and District Communications Manager for Surrey Heath, which I love doing! I’m very grateful that both give me the opportunity to get out and see lots of exciting things around our District, and meet lots of amazing people. I’ve normally got my camera with me, and I think it’s great to be able to capture what we do and share it with other people. I am so proud to be representing Surrey as an Assistant Unit Leader with Unit 72 to the 25th World Scout Jamboree in Korea. I’m really excited to be a part of this journey for our young people, and want to give it everything I have so that they have the best time possible. I’m really looking forward to experiencing Korean culture too! Right now I can’t wait to meet our unit members and see what fun ideas they have for us! Outside of Scouting I spend a lot of time painting and drawing, especially still life. I really enjoy live music and try to see as much as I can. I think I have pretty broad taste – anything from synthwave to metal and everything in between, – I even go to the opera at Glyndebourne each summer. I also love American football and kayaking. I think it’s really hard to pick a single moment, there’s so many opportunities in Scouting for amazing experiences and they’re all so different. Some of my favourite memories though are as simple as sitting around a campfire on a summer camp, under the stars and surrounded by the best people. I love anything creative, so I hope I bring interesting ideas, problem solving skills, and attention to detail. I’m always up for having a go at everything and I like the challenge that comes with something new. Possibly my Nintendo Switch, I think I might need to get someone to look after my Animal Crossing island while I’m away! If anything I’m famously not great at most Scouty skills because I’m a bit clumsy and uncoordinated. I’m really good at sewing on badges though if that counts. I put all of the badges I’ve gotten since Beavers onto my camp blanket over lockdown which took forever, but it’s so nice finally being able to see them all together on there. I love a good sitcom, things like It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Schitt’s Creek, and The IT Crowd. I also really like going to see stand up comedy, and listening to the My Favourite Murder podcast. I was a Cub and Scout at 1st Douglas in the Isle of Man. I can remember some of the skills taught by the leaders there plus the great times and fun activities that we did. After my children were born, I knew it was something I wanted to get them into and to have great similar experience that I had within Scouting. I am currently GSL for 1st Bisley Scout Group having joined the group as a Cub Leader 6 years ago and Explorer Leader for the Spartan Unit. Outside of Scouting I like to go out on my motorbikes, fishing, kayaking and watching rugby. Running a Cub Pirate Camp theme which was very wet and the leaders and participants still joke about now if there is any bad weather when doing activities, the running joke it wasn’t as bad as Pirate Camp. Adaptability, if things don’t go to plan coming up with ideas to overcome the problem. Mini Rugby Ball Lots of things
A World Scout Jamboree is an adventure beyond anything you can imagine. At a World Scout Jamboree, Scouts from almost every country in the world camp together for fun and friendship. Jamborees take place every four years in a different country, the 25th World Scout Jamboree will take place in Korea in the summer of 2023. Check out this 60-second guide produced by Surrey attendees to the Jamboree in Japan The next World Scout Jamboree takes place in August 2023 in Korea. Scouts aged 14-18 at the time of the event will be eligible to attend (qualifying dates of birth are 22nd July 2005 – 31st July 2009) and, as in previous years, Surrey Scouts will need to run a process to select young people to attend as a member of the County Units. We have reviewed our participant selection process and we have decided to select participants via a district based random ballot. A lot of thought and feedback has gone into this new process, we think you will agree this will be fairer for every qualifying Scout in Surrey. To fully understand this process and the reasons behind the change please click HERE. If you want detail about how the ballots will work please click HERE In January 2022 the Surrey International Team will host a number of meetings to tell you about this World Scout Jamboree. We will also make sure you hear all about other international trips that are available. Rather than attend a selection weekend, you need to join one of these meetings in order to apply for a spot in the random ballot. You will need to sign up before Friday 7th January. Address and parking details will be shared closer to the meetings, once you are registered. Each venue (even the digital one) only has a certain capacity so we need to know which information event you will be attending. Please click HERE Applications for the WSJ ballot will open after the information events in January 2022. The application link will be shared at the information events. If you are uncertain about applying, or have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to get in touch with us (County International Team) at
Do you want to work in a team with people from all over the world? Would you like your ‘office’ to be a campsite like no other? Could you use your skills to ensure that tens of thousands of young people have an experience they will never forget? Does the idea of two weeks of fun sound like how you want to spend summer 2023? If so, the International Service Team to the 25th World Scout Jamboree is the opportunity for you! The IST will be comprised of volunteers from across the world, who are all there for one reason – to make the Jamboree a success! They will fill vital roles in motivating and supporting young people, and providing services, program and facilities. The IST make the Jamboree happen and they have a lot of fun doing it. Being part of the IST is an immensely rewarding and valuable experience with the opportunity to develop new skills, make new friends, see new parts of the world and be part of the development of young people. IST members will have the opportunity to express role preferences from an IST jobs catalogue for what job they would like to do at the Jamboree. Whatever IST job you are assigned there will be hard work, some long hours and even working overnight, but the rewards – the smiles and high fives from young people, the thanks and gratitude of Unit Leaders and the pride in doing a job well done – will make it all worthwhile. More information on the role of the IST can be found HERE, once shared by the Korean Scout Association. As long as you are flexible, willing to lend a hand and have a positive outlook you are the best possible person to apply to be part of the IST. We hope that whoever applies to be part of the UK Contingent IST will want to support our shared vision – the development of young people and adults within the Contingent. Base IST fee £1,245 25 WSJ (includes organisers fee, UK Contingent insurance, IST core kit package – the essential kit needed to feel part of our contingent, attendance at our two pre-event weekends). The complete IST package £2,995 (travel from a UK airport to and from either the pre/post event location or the Jamboree entry/exit points, attendance at the UK Contingent event in Korea’s capital, Seoul, will be either before or after the Jamboree and will include a few nights in this fantastic city, in addition to the base kit an enhanced kit option) Don’t delay! You need to apply to be part of the International Service Team (IST) between Saturday 6 November and 23:59 on Friday 26 November. Everyone who applies to be part of IST must ask another Scouting or Girlguiding member to champion their application. That person is called a ‘sponsor’. Your sponsor will need to confirm their support for your application no later than 23:59 on Friday 3 December 2021. Applications without a sponsor will not be accepted. Find the link to the IST application HERE If you are uncertain about applying, or have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to get in touch with us (County International Team) at
World Scout Jamboree - FAQs
Think big. Dream wild. Act together.
Participant Questions and Answers
Where and when will the 25th World Scout Jamboree (WSJ) be?
What is a World Scout Jamboree?
Who can apply to go as a participant?
What happens if I was born outside of these dates?
What is the Jamboree theme?
What makes a Jamboree special?
What is a Jamboree campsite like?
What will a typical day be like at the Jamboree?
What are the ceremonies?
What is the pre and post Jamboree programme?
What is HoHo?
Can I join the expedition late or leave early?
I have additional needs / disabilities, can I still go?
Can you accommodate special dietary requirements?
What faiths and cultures are represented at the WSJ?
What is the UK contingent?
What makes up a Jamboree unit?
How many Jamboree places does Surrey have?
Do I have to be a Surrey Scout to apply?
What happens if I move away after being selected?
How much will the Jamboree cost?
Are there any other costs not included above?
Am I allowed to fundraise to pay for the Jamboree?
Do the Surrey unit leaders help fundraise?
Do I have to pay all of the money at the start?
Do I need to pay a deposit?
Can I claim any grants to attend the Jamboree?
What happens if I need to withdraw after paying the deposit?
What happens if I need to withdraw close to departure?
How will money for the Jamboree be handled?
Can I claim gift aid on fundraising?
Will everyone in my unit be from Surrey and will I know them?
How are the leaders selected?
How many training weekends will there be, and do I have to go to them?
Where will the training weekends be?
Will the cost of travel to training weekends be included?
How do I apply?
There are a lot of questions on the application form. What if I don’t like writing?
When will I know if I have a place?
Do I have to apply via my Group / District?
What will my District expect from me?
Do I need to use Social Media?
What is OSM?
Is there another expedition if I am not successful?
Is there an option of being a reserve if I am not offered a WSJ place?
Will I have a say in which unit I am placed in?
What about Covid?
Will I need any vaccinations?
What are the other risks of visiting South Korea?
Who has the final say?
Who can I ask another question to?
World Scout Jamboree - Unit Leaders
Unit Leaders
Unit 71
A bit about…
Russ Baldwin
Best Scouting moment
What you are bringing to the jamboree in terms of leadership skills?
What luxury item you would like to sneak out to the jamboree but don’t intend to tell anyone about?
One Scouty skill that you are very good at but keep quiet about
What sort of things make you laugh?
Jo Blackgrove
Best Scouting moment
What you are bringing to the jamboree in terms of leadership skills?
What luxury item you would like to sneak out to the jamboree but don’t intend to tell anyone about?
One Scouty skill that you are very good at but keep quiet about
What sort of things make you laugh?
Rowenna Woodward
Best Scouting moment?
What are you bringing to the jamboree in terms of leadership skills?
What luxury item would you like to sneak out to the jamboree but don’t intend to tell anyone about?
One Scouty skill that you are very good at but keep quiet about?
What sort of things make you laugh?
Unit 72
A bit about…
Charlie Thompson
Best Scouting moment?
What are you bringing to the jamboree in terms of leadership skills?
What luxury item would you like to sneak out to the jamboree but don’t intend to tell anyone about?
One Scouty skill that you are very good at but keep quiet about?
What sort of things make you laugh?
Ellie Hodgson
Best Scouting Moment
What are you bringing to the jamboree in terms of leadership skills?
What luxury item would you like to take to the Jamboree but don’t intend to tell anyone about?
One scouty skill that you are very good at but keep quiet about?
What sort of things make you laugh?
Adrianne Goron
Best Scouting moment?
What are you bringing to the Jamboree in terms of leadership skills?
What luxury item would you like to sneak out to the Jamboree but don’t intend to tell anyone about?
One Scouty skill that you are very good at but keep quiet about?
What sort of things make you laugh?
Graham Dykes
Best Scouting moment?
What are you bringing to the jamboree in terms of leadership skills?
What luxury item would you like to sneak out to the Jamboree but don’t intend to tell anyone about?
What sort of things make you laugh?
World Scout Jamboree - Youth Participants
Youth Participants
Not sure, want to hear more? Or, ready to apply?
World Scout Jamboree - International Service Team
International Service Team
More about IST
What do IST Members do?
Am I right for the IST?
You need to be committed to ensuring young people leave the Jamboree with a wider view of the world and a renewed commitment to Scouting and Guiding.UK Contingent IST
The role of the IST will not be limited to just two weeks abroad – the Contingent will support IST and offer them the opportunity to engage locally with Units before, during and after the Jamboree.
The Contingent want to help you progress your own skills and development, to help you and your local Scouting.There are two fee options: