
The Muir Trophy

Date: 21st Oct 2016 Author: Scout Websites
Teams from all of the 6 Packs in Haslemere District entered this year’s competition, which took place over a distance of 4 miles in and around Fernhurst, on Sunday 16th October, getting out as far as Blackdown, Fernden Lane, and Lurgashall Winery.

The morning started with torrential rail and it was thought the event might have to be called off, but by start time of 11.00 a.m. the weather improved and remained so until the finish at 4.30 p.m. Over the course the teams had to take part in a number of activities which were marked for success, teamwork, efficiency, and morale.

These included an obstacle course, a blindfold trail, minesweeper using co-ordinates to avoid the mines, a teamwork challenge picking up bottles with a spider of ropes and elastic bands, making a stretcher, and moving water with least spillage. The teams also had to carry a fresh egg. If it got to the finish unbroken, there was a bonus of 10 points. If cracked, there was a bonus of 5 points, and if smashed, there was nothing.

Haslemere finished the course in 3rd position with 98 points, but gaining 10 points for an unbroken egg. They finished in joint FIRST position with Fernhurst, who had gained 5 points for a cracked egg. Both scored 108 points. The runners up were Camelsdale B team with 103, followed by Grayshott with 102. Other results were Camelsdale A 101, Hindhead 91, and Chiddingfold 80.

The Asst. District Commissioner for Cub Scouts Chris Lloyd thanked everyone for taking part, Fernhurst Group for the refreshments, and Tim Braithwaite the Cub Scout Leader at Fernhurst for organising such a successful and enjoyable event.

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The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

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