Medal Success for Surrey at the National Scout Rifle Championships
The last weekend in October brought over 700 Scouts, Explorers and Leaders to Bisley for the annual National Scouts Rifle Championships, to compete in a wide variety of shooting competitions. Over 130 Groups were represented from all across the country, and all ages from 10 upwards take part. By far the bulk of all attendees take part in “the main event” which is 6yd standing air rifle, 6yd standing air pistol, and prone air rifle “field target” – plus “The Knockout” which is a head-to-head race to knock down 5 metal disks from 10m with an air rifle.
The weekend is a fun event, with no minimum requirements other than the competitors be able to handle the equipment in a safe and proficient way – but it’s also an amazing competition with some very old and prestigious trophies. Medals are awarded to the top juniors (U14), and the top Seniors (14+); in some cases the seniors includes all leaders, and in others Scouters up to the age of 25. There are also some aggregate trophies (6yd rifle & pistol, plus field target) and some team awards.
Check out the results tables: Surrey at the Scout National Rifle Championships