Scoutshoot 2022
After a 2 year break, we are able to welcome Explorers, Leaders and other members of the Scout Association to Scoutshoot.
It’s a fun competition featuring 5 types of shooting and is a fantastic day out at the National Rifle Association’s ranges at Bisley.
It would be great to see you. Don’t worry about your shooting experience, every element of the competition is open to all and someone will be on hand to guide you if required. We welcome teams from Scout groups or individuals whether you have been before or just fancy a go this year.
The events are squadded, so you will always be with others throughout the competition.
The price for the day is £46. We can accept payment by bank transfer and we will give you the details for this once we have received your entries. Our preferred approach is for a group to make a single payment for all participants. We will also provide details for individuals not shooting as part of a group.
Useful documents:
- A poster that can be displayed on the HQ noticeboard if required: Scoutshoot22poster (QR code to entry on the poster)
- A guidance note that gives you full details of Scoutshoot 22: Scoutshoot ’22 Guidance notes. (We ask that you read this before entering.)
If you need further information or need some help, please contact Phil Diprose by email at
The entry form can be found here: One entry form per competitor is required.
The entry form for the team competition can be found here: You need to complete this before 11th September. We understand that you may not be able to complete it when making your booking.
The guidance notes can be found here:
National Rifle Association Bisley Shooting Ground