4th Caterham (Caterham Christian Centre)
At 4th Caterham we are excited to be a part of Scouting! Our purpose is to deliver #SkillsForLife to as many young people as possible, enhancing the lives of young people and adult volunteers alike and equipping them to making the world a better place. As a part of a worldwide movement, we are a part of the largest global youth movement.
We meet on a weekly basis in term time and follow a carefully planned programme that offers a range of skill development from outdoor activities to more creative approaches as well as developing experiences in teamwork and leadership – there is something for everybody in Scouting!
Scouting is for everyone of whatever gender, background or beliefs – no one is excluded and we delight in diversity! We are guided by our core values of respect for each other, respect for ourselves and respect for our world.
We are based at Caterham Christian Centre in Caterham Valley.
Find out more about us by visiting our website or filling in the form below.
Website: 4thCaterham.org.uk